And And And, Oh my Gosh, ever since the 'BookFace' Webcast, I'm like..........
Everything Joe!
How AWESOME can that guy be.
He is so hilarious and made me laugh so extremely hard. I know i'm like exaggerating, but its true. There's Paranoid too.., the new song.
Guess what, he accepted 2 proposals on the webcast.
Im so gonna watch the webcast again, right now.
Oh yah, 1 more random thing.
Emma Watson is not only a talented british actress but despite the focus on filming, she maintained high academic standards. In June 2006, Watson took GCSE examiniations in 10 subjects, achieving eight A* and two A grades; she was a target of friendly ridicule on the Harry Potter set because of her straight-A exam results. She received A grades in her 2008 'A' level examinations in English Literature, Geography and Art, and in her 2007 AS (advanced subsidiary) level in History of Art.
I'm now going off to watch the webcast AGAIN.