I shall watch C.S.I everyday. I'm officially a C.S. I Fan. HAHA. But the dead bodies' just gross to see. Yesterday, in C.S.I Miami, this woman got stabbed from the back with some bloody huge knife. Then can see all the blood flowing out and the hole. OMG, very gruesome. Then, in C.S.I New York, some murder was committed in a plane. The person got stabbed at the throat in the washroom. Then got blood everywhere. In the lab, they did the autopsy and cut the dead person open. Like using some specialized knife to cut the skin and there's this camera which they insert through the hole which created by the murder weapon to see the blood tissues. OMG, very gross already. I shall stop here. But the show is still nice to watch. Especially in the lab where the forensic scientists analyze the evidence. Very cool.
You see right through my pretenses
you look right through my mask
you know just when I need a hug
I never need to ask
You show up when I'm lonely
you stay when I'm depressed
all of my rude comments
you shrug away in jest
You see all my dark
you see all my light
you're always by my side
even when I'm not right
You cheer me when I'm sad
you catch me when I fall
How did you come to earn my trust,
when I trust no one else at all?
- Tori Beals